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The Boy Next Door received generally negative reviews from film critics, who felt that it promised 'campy thrills' but did not deliver, however the film grossed $53.4 million against a $4 million budget making it a box office success. It was released on Blu-ray and DVD on April 28, 2015.Ĭlaire Peterson separates from her husband Garrett, after he was caught cheating with his secretary.

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Her colleague and best friend Vicky Lansing urges Claire to divorce. 19-year-old Noah Sandborn moves in next door to help his uncle, who uses a wheelchair. They learn that Noah is now an orphan following a fatal car accident in his family the previous year. Noah befriends Kevin, Claire's teenage son, and begins attending his school, where Claire teaches Classics. Noah is drawn to Claire, expressing love for Homer's Iliad. With Kevin and Garrett away on a fishing trip, Noah catches Claire watching him change clothes through her window.Ĭlaire goes on a miserable double date with Vicky and her boyfriend Ethan, and his ill-mannered friend Benny. With Kevin still away, Noah calls Claire over to help him cook. She ends up having dinner with him, during which he unashamedly flirts with her. When Claire is about to leave, Noah stops her and continues flirting with her. He proceeds to undress her to her bra and underwear and kiss her all over her body.

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